Food & Beverages - Dairy
[ Leading Cheese Manufacturer ]
USA Northwest Region
The Challenge:
- Wastewater Treatment and Electricity Generation.
- Low Capital Investment Cost with Short Payback Period.
- Allow for Future Expansion.
EMG was retained by a top five cheese manufacturing company to address these challenges:
- Design, fabricate, and start-up a high-strength wastewater pre-treatment system that also allows for future expansion.
- Handle design load, ensure high reliability, reduce energy costs, produce valuable biogas stream, comply with strict effluent limits.
- Provide a low capital investment system with short payback period, and low operation & maintenance (O&M) costs.
EMG's Solution:
Biogas Collection, CHP Unit, Highly Automated PurEffluent® System with SCADA System Remote Access, Monitoring & Control.
EMG installed its proprietary, advanced PurEffluent® treatment technology which included:
- Wastewater equalization tanks and four PurEffluent units, with Chemical feed system and polishing units.
- Biogas collection and flare system, fueling a 580 KW Combined Heat and Heat & Power (CHP) unit.
- Remote monitoring/control using Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) unit.
- A surprisingly small footprint, at less than 10,000 ft2 including space for equipment, pumps and chemical tanks.
Project Highlights
The PurEffluent® Technology Advantage
Leading Cheese Manufacturer - USA NW Region
Food & Beverages Industries - BakeriesEnhanced Community Standing
Enhanced the Client’s Standing in the Local Community
as an environmentally sustainable responsible business
Enhanced Regulatory Compliance with the Plant’s Industrial User Permit
Reduction of Wastewater Organic Concentrations BOD5 by 93-96%
Future Expansion
Allowed for Future Expansion of Operations and Increasing Production
Significant Reduction of Wastewater Disposal Costs
Surcharge Fee Reduction by 93% to 96%
Renewable Energy
Biogas Production for Energy Co-generation
The Results:
- Reduction of Utility Costs.
- Production of Clean Renewable Energy.
- Regulatory Compliance.
- Enhanced the Company's Standing within the Local Community.
Some of the benefits of this project for the client include:
- Reducing wastewater organic concentration (BOD5) by 93%-96%.
- Enhancing regulatory compliance with the Plant’s Industrial User Permit.
- Significantly reducing wastewater disposal costs (93%-96% surcharge fee reduction).
- Allowing for expansion of operations and increasing production.
- Reducing utility costs, with biogas for energy co-generation.
- Enhancing the standing in the local community as an environmentally sustainable responsible business.
EMG's Advanced PurEffluent® Technology Solution
Enhanced The Client's Standing Within the Local Community as An Environmentally Sustainable Business, At the Same Time as Reducing Costs, and Generating Biogas for Electricity Production
This project serves as a great example
of the benefits EMG’s PurEffluent® Technology offers the food and beverage industry through its energy efficient design, reliable wastewater treatment process, generation of a renewable source of energy, and promotion of sustainable manufacturing