Dairy & Poultry
[ Large Sentinel Farm ]
USA Northeast Region
The Challenge:
- Improve Economic Viability of the Farm.
- Reduction of Energy Usage.
- Reduction of Manure Disposal Costs.
- Selling Electricity to the Power Grid.
- Improve the Farm’s Environmental and Community Profile.
- Reduce Odor Emissions.
EMG was engaged by the Client to construct and operate a high-rate Anaerobic Fluidized-Bed Digester (AFBD) System for manure conversion, Odor Reduction, biogas & electricity generation.
The farm generates several thousand gallons of manure daily, resulting in a very high daily organic loading to the digester of chemical oxygen demand (COD), and high running energy costs.
The farm generates several thousand gallons of manure daily, resulting in a very high daily organic loading to the digester of chemical oxygen demand (COD), and high running energy costs.
The primary goals of this project were:
- Improve the economic viability of the farm by reducing energy usage and manure disposal costs, and by selling excess electricity to the power grid.
- Improve the farm’s environmental stewardship and community relations by reducing odor emission.
- Facilitate farm growth without increasing the environmental and social liabilities created by additional manure generation.
EMG's Solution:
PurEffluent® with BOD5 & TSS removal, Biogas collection, SCADA remote control
EMG's solution included the following:
- A detailed assessment of the farm’s operations, manure collection and storage practices on site.
- The completion of laboratory studies and a pilot-scale treatability study at EMG’s laboratory facilities to obtain design parameters for the full-scale digester system.
- Obtaining all required state and local permits for system construction and operation.
- The fabrication & installation of the full-scale digester system.
- Dual high-rate digester units (later expanded to add third digester) for removal of organic materials and biogas generation.
- A biogas capture and electricity generation system.
Project Highlights
The PurEffluent® Technology Advantage
Large Centennial Farm - USA Northeast Region
Dairy & PoultryExpansion of Wastewater Treatment Systems
Dual high-rate digester units
later expanded to add third digester
Full System Support
Start-up, long-term operation, & monitoring of the wastewater treatment system
Full System Permitting
State & local permits obtained for system construction & operation
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Solutions
The production of biogas for onsite electricity generation & waste heat recovery
State-of-the-Art Laboratory Testing
Laboratory & pilot-scale treatability studies conducted at
EMG’s specialized laboratory
Remote System Monitoring & Control
Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) unit
for remote system monitoring & control
The Results:
- Enhanced Company Standing in The Local Community.
- Production of Clean Renewable Energy.
The results and benefits of this project for the Farm include:
- Elimination of odor emission from the farm.
- Extensive generation of biogas for the generator unit.
- Reduction of operating costs by generating electricity onsite.
- Elimination of costs related to purchasing of bedding.
- Providing a new source of revenue from excess bedding sales.
- Enhancement of the Farm’s standing within the local community as an environmentally responsible business that is committed to sustainability and clean renewable energy production.
Laboratory & Pilot-Scale Treatability Studies
were conducted at EMG’s specialised laboratories to obtain design parameters for the full-scale digester system.
The produced Biogas
was to used to generate electricity to reduce the farm’s running energy costs.
This project serves as a great example
of the impact of EMG’s PurEffluent® Technology can have
within the Food & Beverages Industry,
through its environmentally friendly,
and energy-efficient design for Wastewater Treatment,
and the generation of a clean and renewable source of energy