Food & Beverages - Bakeries
[ Large Bakery ]
USA Northeast Region
The Challenge:
- Cost-effectiveness,
- High-strength Wastewater Treatment,
- Elimination of hauling costs
EMG was retained by a large bakery to design, fabricate, install, and start-up an onsite wastewater pre-treatment system to handle high-strength process-related wastewater.
Prior to working with EMG, wastewater from the plant was hauled off-site for disposal, which was costly, environmentally burdensome, and logistically difficult. In addition, the plant was looking to increase growth but was limited by wastewater disposal.
The challenge was to provide the plant with a cost-effective reliable solution that treats all the high-strength process-related wastewater, eliminating the need for wastewater shipping.
EMG's Solution:
PurEffluent® with BOD5 & TSS removal, Biogas collection, SCADA remote control
EMG provided the Client with a compact, highly automated wastewater system that combines the PurEffluent® Technology with polishing.
The Plant selected the PurEffluent® Technology based on its low capital investment cost, low O&M costs, capability of handling stressful operation, small footprint, high system reliability, short payback period, and process scalability.
The Plant selected the PurEffluent® Technology based on its low capital investment cost, low O&M costs, capability of handling stressful operation, small footprint, high system reliability, short payback period, and process scalability.
The treatment process consisted of the following primary components:
- Wastewater equalization.
- The PurEffluent® treatment system followed by a small aerobic process for BOD5 and TSS removal.
- Automated chemical feed system for pH and nutrient control.
- Biogas collection, metering, and flare system.
- A Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) unit with remote access capabilities to monitor and control the wastewater pre-treatment system.
Project Highlights
The PurEffluent® Technology Advantage
Large Bakery - USA Northeast Region
Food & Beverages IndustriesEnsured Regulatory Compliance
Allowed Bakery to Discharge Wastewater to Local Sewer System
at Concentration below 100 mg/L for BOD5 & TSS
Future Expansion
Allowed for Production Growth
Reduction of Environmental Pollution
Eliminated Traffic, Noise, & Odour Issues Associated with Wastewater Hauling
Overall Reduction of Running Costs
Eliminated Wastewater Hauling Costs
The Results:
- Regulatory Compliance,
- Elimination of WW Hauling Costs,
- Elimination of Noise & Odour Issues.
The newly installed PurEffluent® system delivered the following benefits to the plant:
- Eliminate wastewater hauling costs.
- Consistently achieve 97% BOD5 and TSS removal in the treated wastewater effluent.
- Allow the plant to discharge treated effluent into the local sewer system under strict sewer limits.
- Eliminate traffic, noise, and odour issues that were associated with wastewater hauling.
EMG's Advanced PurEffluent® Technology Solution
Allowed The Plant To Increase Production
Without Increasing The Financial And Environmental Burdens Resulting From Additional Wastewater Generation
This project serves as a great example
of the great benefits EMG’s PurEffluent® Technology offers the food and beverage industry
through its energy efficient design, reliable wastewater treatment process,
generation of a renewable source of energy,
and promotion of sustainable manufacturing